Active Birth, Natural Birth, Prenatal Yoga, Yoga Labour Tools
Have you thought about doing prenatal yoga? These classes will increase your confidence for labour and birth by giving you great skills to use which really work! You’ll also de-stress, sleep better and meet some other lovely pregnant women! NEW CLASSES BEGIN IN...
Active Birth, Natural Birth, Prenatal Yoga, Yoga Labour Tools
Do you feel confident about coping with the intensity of labour? Are you prepared to take 100% responsibility for your birth preparation? Whilst you can’t control how labour will unfold you can control your skill set and develop a variety of resources that you can...
Active Birth, Birth Stories, Labour Skills, Natural Birth, Prenatal Yoga, Testimonials
Just wanted to let you know that I had my baby boy and also wanted to express my deep gratitude for your work as a prenatal yoga teacher and birth educator. I really believe that coming to your yoga classes guided me in how I approached labour mentally and prepared...
Active Birth, Natural Birth, Prenatal Yoga, Yoga Labour Tools
The majority of women nowadays are familiar with the term “Active Birth” – what does it mean though? Does it mean you have to be on the move during the whole of labour? Not necessarily! Research has shown that, when no complications exist, women should be encouraged...
Active Birth, Yoga Labour Tools
Do you notice how you breathe? If you haven’t done yoga before you may not be aware of your breath at all. So many women give me feedback that it was by using the breath consciously that they managed labour so its really worth spending some time experimenting with a...
Active Birth, Birth support, Labour Skills, Natural Birth
TENSION MAKES LABOUR HURT MORE Most women have heard about the Fear/Tension/Pain syndrome and the importance of staying relaxed and calm in labour, however how easy is this to achieve and why is it so important? It helps to understand the physiology of the uterine...