Do you notice how you breathe?  If you haven’t done yoga before you may not be aware of your breath at all.  So many women give me feedback that it was by using the breath consciously that they managed labour so its really worth spending some time experimenting with a variety of practises so you have a few up your sleeve!We literally can change how we feel by changing the breath and slow breathing will reduce your heart rate, anxiety and pain perception.  It’s also so useful for those early days and months with babies when fatigue can overwhelm you and it’s very common to feel stressed and overwhelmed.

Try these  5 ways of working your breath:

  1. Any time during the day simply bring your focus to the natural flow of your breath, noticing it at the nostrils as it comes in and out.  Allow your eyes and jaw to soften as you do this – notice how you feel after a short time.  A little bit more relaxed?
  2. Practise breathing in slowly through the nose and let the breath  flow down to the diaphragm area  (you might like to place your hands around the level of your lower ribs and breathe to them)  Then slowly breathe out through the nose and practise letting go of tension with that breath out.  Try mentally counting your breath in and out, perhaps starting with 5 in and 5 out.
  3. Now practice slowly making your breath out longer and adding a few counts just to that out breath.  You might like to do this before sleeping at night or any time when you feel stressed or uptight.
  4. Make a soft sound with your breath – this is called Ujjayi in yoga or the   “Ocean Breath or Victorious Breath”!  Make a gentle sound in the throat on the breath in and out, just like the sound of wind going through a pipe.  It doesn’t have to be loud.  Ujjayi can help with insomnia or high blood pressure and also provides a wonderful focus during contractions
  5. Finally try Humming Bee Breath – Bhramari – this can be done with the fingers in the ears (not likely in labour though!) or simply just breathing in through the nose and humming the breath out for as long as is comfortable.  This one is great to do in combination with being on all fours and swaying, rocking or circling the hips during labour

See which practices  help you to feel more relaxed.  The great thing is that your breath is always with you and can be used at any time! It’s the #1 Yoga labour skill!