Cat pose (Majarasana) is a wonderful yoga pose for pregnancy! It helps to relieve back pain, keeps the spine mobile, helps the baby to position well. Being in all fours is also a favourite position for many women during labour
Here’s how:
Go onto all fours with knees hip width apart, hands under shoulders. Allow shoulders to soften, let the shoulder blades slide down the back. If you have carpal tunnel/sore wrists then go onto fists or rest your forearms on the seat of a chair. Relax your beautiful pregnant belly and inhale. As you exhale start to tuck your tailbone under, then round and stretch your lower spine, then flow the movement up to stretching and rounding between your shoulder blades and finally drop your head, chin towards chest. When you are ready to inhale again start from your tailbone releasing gently, then lower back (just into a natural curve), then release the chest forward and end with looking forward and up. Continue – always beginning the movement from the tailbone and doing it as slowly and mindfully as you can. Be aware of your spine, each section releasing tension. Imagine how it might feel for your baby – being rocked back and forth. Connect with your baby.
Try the affirmation – inhale – I breathe in courage – exhale – I release my fears
Repeat 5-6 times morning and night or whenever your back feels stiff.