active birth workshops
For a limited time: book in for Term 1 of Prenatal Yoga to receive a discount on our popular Active Birth Workshop.
23rd Feb 2025- Length: Full day
- Location: Southside Physio, Tuggeranong
- Fees: $240 (includes booklet – Preparing for Birth: Mothers) and On-line programme for home practise
29th June 2025- Length: Full day
- Location: Mary McKillop House, 50 Archibald Street, Lyneham
- Fees: $240 (includes booklet – Preparing for Birth: Mothers) and On-line programme for home practise
23rd Feb 2025- Length: Full day
- Location: Tuggeranong Community Centre
- Fees: $240 (includes booklet – Preparing for Birth: Mothers) and On-line programme for home practise
25th May 2025- Length: Full day
- Location: Tuggeranong Community Centre
- Fees: $240 (includes booklet – Preparing for Birth: Mothers) and On-line programme for home practise
Giving birth for the second or third time?
Refresh your Active Birthing Skills with a short, practical 3 hour session with Julia.
Numbers are limited to 3 couples to enable a personalised approach, and private individual sessions are also available. Help your partner/support person to have a tool kit to help you through every contraction with confidence using proven techniques to reduce pain.

Prepare together for this amazing experience
Nowadays partners are expected to be a support person for labour and birth but often wonder “What am I supposed to do? How can I help?”
This means that, for partners, there is no more important time to fully prepare to be the best support during labour you can be and to understand the essential factors that will help labour to progress safely and with minimum intervention
There are are currently 2 different options for being part of this programme:
One Day Face-to-Face Workshop
(includes Active Birth online programme)
Active Birth Online Programme
Work at your own pace
“My husband and I attended the birth support class with Julia and thank goodness we did. It was a fantastic way to prepare us both for the impending birth of our daughter. The massage pressure points on my lower back worked wonders. The course was so fantastic and I would recommend it to anyone. My husband found it so helpful – before the class, he had no idea what to expect and how he may be able to help but after the course, he felt confident and ready to be a wonderful and useful birth support partner, which he was!“
– Simone
During the one day workshop partners will learn:
- What being “present” really means – how to tune in to what is needed
- The importance of creating a relaxed, safe, calm, supportive and loving atmosphere for labour
- How to encourage essential birth hormones to flow and avoid the Fear/Tension/Pain cycle
- How to help you work with contractions and interrupt pain signals in different ways based on research including acupressure, massage, mindfulness, deep relaxation, visualisations and more!
- How to support and encourage Active Birth positions and movement to help labour progress and be more manageable
- The importance of being an advocate and being fully informed about birth choices before labour starts
- A variety of natural pain relief techniques which you may not be familiar with!
- Breathing, mindfulness and relaxation skills to help you both to cope with labour and new parenting
- How to be the best birth support ever!
Course material includes:
- The Active Birth workshop online programme (included with face to face and zoom bookings) provides at home practice of the material in your own time
- This includes videos of massage techniques, active birth positions, mediations, relaxations and in depth childbirth education

“”Before coming to your workshop, I was starting to feel a little nervous about the birth and Thomas was too. After we left your workshop, we felt a lot more comfortable, confident, knowledgeable and Thomas felt like he knew how he could help and support me during the birth. I really didn’t expect my birth to be such a positive experience but attending the workshop really helped. We will be forever grateful for what we learnt during the workshop and recommend for anyone to attend if they would like to learn more about birth, techniques to help and assist during labour, for the dad to learn ways to support mum, how to work together as a team, and stay in a positive mindset.”
– Renee & Thomas
If you find that a class is full, you can pop yourself on the waiting list through this link, and I’ll be in touch if a spot becomes available.
If a term has already started and you would like to join, please email me at
Please contact Julia if you are experiencing any financial difficulty and require a reduced fee to be able to attend.
I know that without your workshop, I would have given in to the pain and the fear very early. My husband knew his role in my labour so clearly from the workshop, that there was no way he would let me forget how strong I am. He maintains to this day that it was a mind blowing, amazing experience.
So thank you.. A million times thank you. You helped me to have the birth that I wanted. I will never underestimate the power of the mind again. And massage… Massage is the best thing in the world!
The Active Birth workshop was definitely one of the best things my husband and I did to prepare us for the birth of our son. Being able to practise and familiarise ourselves with different labour and pain management skills beforehand was so helpful to keep us working as a team throughout my whole labour. My husband had a range of different things to use when helping me through the contractions and his confidence helped me to feel supported and as relaxed as possible.
The Birth workshop taught us different techniques of massage & relaxation exercises that my partner & I could use during each stage of labour. Knowing these techniques gave me the confidence & knowledge to stay calm during labour and helped me to provide a relaxing and natural birthing environment for my partner
I just wanted to tell you that the strategies we learned that day, allowed me to give birth using only gas for the last couple of hours. I was in early labour for a day and a half before I finally hit the real thing. After that point, it was roughly 1cm dilation per hour. I’m proud to say that I only had meltdowns due to sleep deprivation and when active labour really got going, I was SO focused. Thanks to my amazing husband!! Anyway, I just wanted to share and say thank you! We referred to the positions suggested by you both, many times. And the massage was my saviour! Thanks again and keep up the good work.
Thank you for holding the birth workshop on Sunday. It was the most practical and inspiring workshop I have attended. I loved how you taught the partners how to really feel part of the process and support us. I also loved that the techniques taught were so simple and easy to do. My partner really enjoyed the workshop and said that he wishes I could have brought him to something like this for our first birth. We both feel really ready and excited to practice our skills on the big day and I think having all these wonderful tools to use has taken my mind of any anxieties I initially had. Thank you so much!
Although I feel more knowledgeable about what I can do to support Clare during labour, I now also understand that there will times that all I need to do is be there. I was worried about being a bit useless but you have given me the understanding that my positivity and strength will be a big support on their own. The tips about our birthing plan were greatly appreciated and the practicalities of what we might take to the hospital have got us thinking.
Matt and I want to thank you for everything we learnt in the workshop. For me, it was great to learn, test out, and understand different techniques that will help me relax and stay calm. I am also reassured that Matt will be a great support during labour and we both feel confident to labour at home for longer before heading to the hospital.
My husband and I attended the birth support class with Julia and thank goodness we did. It was a fantastic way to prepare us both for the impending birth of our daughter. The massage pressure points on my lower back worked wonders. The course was so fantastic and I would recommend it to anyone. My husband found it so helpful – before the class, he had no idea what to expect and how he may be able to help but after the course, he felt confident and ready to be a wonderful and useful birth support partner, which he was!
In the end, we used many of Julia’s massage techniques during labour, I don’t know what we would have done without them.
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